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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the minimum requirements and deadlines for enrolling in your courses?

1):  This depends on the course chosen.  At the end of each course page, you will see the prerequisites listed.  All courses require the following, in order to register:

a):  Vocational Courses

  • CRI Application

  • Enrollment Agreement

  • Deposit (Cash Pay/Corporate Client/Civilian)

  • Background Check / Government ID

  • Civilian and military transcripts (if applicable)

b):  Shorter Courses

  • Enrollment Agreement

  • Deposit (Cash Pay/Corporate Client)

  • Background Check / Government ID

What payment options do you offer?

1):  Vocational Courses

  • Cash or Check-make check payable to CRI Inc.

  • Credit or Debit Card-Mastercard, Visa, American Express or Discover

  • CRI Payment Plans 

2):  Shorter Courses

  • Cash or Check-make check payable to CRI Inc.

  • Credit or Debit Card - Mastercard, Visa, American Express or Discover


How do I register, or get more information, on CRI courses?

Required Documentation:

To start the process of enrolling in any one of our training programs, potential students must fill out an application for admission, course enrollment agreement and be at least 18 years of age, or 21 for certain  programs.  Upon acceptance, potential students will be asked to supply additional information or documentation in order to enroll in specific programs of instruction. Once enrollment agreements for the chosen training program(s) are completed and, admission is granted, students do not need to reapply to the school unless they have been dismissed due to misconduct or they have not been actively enrolled in any program for more than one year.

  • At least 18 years of age, or 21 depending on program

  • CRI Application

  • Enrollment Agreement

  • Deposit (Cash Pay/Corporate Client)

  • Background Check / Government ID

  • Civilian and military transcripts (if applicable)

I was never in the Military, Law Enforcement or Security. Can I still take your courses?

Yes. You can still participate in our courses.  

What types of payments do you accept?

  • Cash/Check

  • Payment agreements

  • Vocational Rehabilitation 

  • WIOA 

Does CRI offer lodging, transportation and/or meals?

At present, CRI does not offer housing.  We do offer meals during training, which is included in the price of the course. You must provide your own air and ground transportation to CRI facilities.

Where is your training held?

For our open calendar courses, they are held in North Las Vegas, Nevada.  Privately reserved courses can be held almost any place in the world.

What gear or clothing should I bring to training?

The gear list is based on the course.  Students who have applied, and been approved, will be sent a welcome letter that will include the gear list. 

For courses involving firearms, does CRI offer rentals?

CRI does offer firearms rentals, but it is limited and based on availability, and for a fee.  Students must still provide their own ammunition, which varies in round count per course.  This ammunition MUST be brass and not reloaded.

Can I use VA Vocational Rehabilitation to take your courses?

Yes, we accept Vocational Rehabilitation Benefits.  You must first call and set up an appointment with your Vocational Rehab Counselor.  During this meeting, they will decide to approve or deny your attendance. In the event that you are approved, they will then send CRI's Administration their approval form so that we can start the process of getting you enrolled.  

Can I get a job after I go through one of your courses?

We do not guarantee job placement. We do assist with review of your current resume and offer our suggestions for interviewing skills.    In addition, we also have very good working relationships with US and overseas contracting companies. Students will have learned a skill set that may assist them in finding work domestically and in overseas environments. CRI works diligently to assist our students in their search employment.

How much do the vocational courses cost and how long is the training?

You will find course costs and length of training for each program on their individual  information pages, located on this site.

Please call or e-mail for shorter course costs and length of training CRI – 702-222-3489 /

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